CEIMIA: Global AI regulation
➤ Two recent papers by CEIMIA overview AI regulation in the US, UK, Canada, EU, China, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, Israel, and Singapore.
➤ These papers are among the most comprehensive I've seen as they cover 10 countries and do systematically
➤ I will say that I disagree with the framing of the US approach to AI regulation. The overview focuses on "light touch" regulation aspects and voluntary commitments. I agree that these are in place.
➤ However, I would emphasize much more the work the work of enforcement agencies such as the FTC, who apply non-AI specific laws to AI-enabled companies. This work is influential and, to my knowledge, more salient in the US than in other regions.
➤ Still, these two reports are helpful and I recommend taking a look!
Download their reports here: Part 1, Table for Part 1, Part 2, Table for Part 2
Download the pdf below: