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Enforcement of AI Law in the US

US AI enforcement is ramping up. Two days ago several US federal agencies published a joint statement on enforcing discrimination law on AI systems. Highlights and reflections.

➤ Highlights:

✍The statement emphasizes that the agencies are committed to protecting rights from harms related to AI and other automated systems, focusing on discrimination.

✍ The statement provides examples of things the agencies have already done in this area.

✍ For example, the FTC has ordered companies to destroy algorithms and other work products that were trained on "data that should not have been collected".

✍ In their words:

"We …pledge to vigorously use our collective authorities to protect individuals’ rights regardless of whether legal violations occur through traditional means or advanced technologies. "

➤ The statement's signatories:

🏛CFPB - Rohit Chopra, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

🏛DOJ - Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division

🏛EEOC - Charlotte A. Burrows, Chair of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

🏛FTC - Lina M. Khan, Chair of the Federal Trade Commission

➤ Reflections

💡Some people think that the US doesn't regulate AI. This statement is another demonstration that this is not the case.

💡Conversations about AI regulation often focus on whether there should be new laws focusing on AI in particular. However, it is important to remember the existing laws which already apply to AI.

➤ h/t to Kassem Fawaz who shared this update in a panel I participated in earlier today

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