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What "person" means to GenAI

A great paper about generative AI bias! This one shows what “person” means to generative AI. We can push tech companies to do better!

➤ The paper:

‘Person’ == Light-skinned, Western Man, and Sexualization of Women of Color: Stereotypes in Stable Diffusion 

By Sourojit Ghosh and Aylin Caliskan

Read it here

➤ Highlights: 

😔Images of "person" tend to be male and white

😔Images of women, especially women of color, tend to be sexualized

Summary (charts by me):

➤ Reflections:

💡Bias in Generative AI can distort reality even in seemingly neutral prompts, such as prompts about “persons”.

💡Human biases may worsen due to increased exposure to distorted representations as generated images flood the internet. 

💡Generative AI can be better. As consumers and buyers, we should demand transparency and accountability to bias performance.

 → Choose your platforms carefully

→ Ask about bias performance in your due diligence

→ Require bias accountability in your contracts

➤What do other people think? Join the conversation in the LinkedIn thread!



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